I have had a couple of week's off The Gallery but new immediately when I saw this week's prompt that I wanted to take part. My friends are really important to me and I am so lucky that I have so many wonderful friends. We are spread quite far and wide (luckily I have some on my doorstep too!) and each time I spend time (both physically and on-line-ally)with my friends I feel all warm and fuzzy and know how lucky I am.
My girls seem to be like me and love spending time with others - there are few things more lovely than watching your kids making new friends and building relationships.
My picture this week was taken at one of the 4 parties my 7yo attended after her recent First Holy Communion - This was the class party and my word did they have fun?! It was lovely to see all the children mixing and just having enormous fun- a memory I'm sure they will always have. I remember my First Holy Communion party, do you?
The first picture shows the little ladies chatting (my little girl is the one with the yellow dress and the drink in her hand - just like her mother!!) I love how happy she is suurounded by her friends.
I especially love the sencond picture which was just moments later when the scene descended into mayhem with boys doing what they do best - having fun and climbing!