Ooh are you getting excited yet? I start getting giddy at the end of August - seriously. There is so much to do and I always run out of time - and I always have a whinge about how much I 'need' to do but I'll let you into a secret ...I love it!
Around this time, I start to think about the Christmas traditions that we have..I know that each family has different ones and I love hearing about them.
One of ours is each betting to guess what colour the Queen is wearing for her speech (not that we tend to watch it, we are normally sitting down for Christmas dinner with a port and lemon at that point). We have a maximum 50p bet - Gamblers Anonymous please don't be alarmed - its only once a year! Its hard work managing to avoid what she's wearing as it is normally on the news the week before but well worth it.
A friend of mine's Dad insists on going downstairs first shouting bye to Father Christmas down the drive saying 'See you next year!" - She is 35 and married with her own son but they won't stop that tradition.
What are your traditions at Christmas? Share them -you may start a craze!
PS The photo is from Christmas 2008 in our living room - Another tradition, the house is a tip in 2 seconds flat!